
  masterMind is part of the ground-breaking Mind series, a general English course for adults that targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic, and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are:

  ‧Life Skills: Higher-order skills such as critical thinking, organizational, and learning skills that students need in order to be successful in their professional , academic, and everyday lives.

  ‧Language sub-skills with tips to support the development of the four language skills.

  ‧Step-by-step approach to grammar with grammar sections that provide a clear focus on the meaning, form, and function of the language.

  ‧Focus on functional language that helps learners improve their fluency and speaking skills.

  ‧Independent learning features throughout the course such as Notice!, Reflect and How are you doing? boxes that encourage learners to analyze their own progress.

  ‧A Range of Video material and related worksheets that support the themes and key language from the Student's Book.

  Student's Components
  ‧Student's Book Pack: Print Student's Book; webcode access to Student's Resource Center
  ‧Student's Book Premium Pack: Print Student's Book; webcode access to Student's Resource Center and Online Workbook
  ‧Workbook Pack: Print Workbook (available with or without key)
  ‧Online Workbook: Webcode access to the Online Workbook

  Teacher's Components
  ‧Teacher's Book Premium Pack: Print Teacher's Book; Class Audio CD; DVD with video; webcode access to Teacher's Resource Center, Online Workbook, and Presentation Kit

  Resource Centers
  ‧Student's Resource Center: Class Audio MP3s; Video; Downloadable self-study video worksheets; Downloadable wordlists; and more...!
  ‧Teacher's Resource Center: includes everything from the Student's Resource Center, plus: Downloadable class video worksheets; Extra lifeSkills lesson plans; Unit, Mid-course, End-of course, and Placement tests


  • ISBN:9780230485235
  • 規格:平裝 / 175頁 / 21 x 29.6 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
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春天正是讀書時,2020年4月11日,紫荊-索菲亞大學FMBA將舉行盛大的線上開學典禮,來自全國各地的同學們將在「雲」上相聚,開啟索菲亞大學的學習時光。清華大學五道口金融學院經濟學博士、香港致富證券首席經濟學家肇越將為同學們帶來重磅研究《風中站立——抓住這場危機中的機會》,清華大學社會科學學院院長、清華大學社科學院學術委員會主席彭凱平教授將為同學們講授《積極心理學》,解碼幸福心理密碼。 播下希望的種子,我們將收穫豐碩的果實。你非滄海一粟,而是浩瀚的海洋本身。人生閃耀還是黯淡,取決於你是否潛心學習,取決於你能否登高眺望。聆聽名師經典,汲取知識的力量,我們為志向高遠的你,提供了免費學習的通道,歡迎點擊報名。http://pages.ezijing.com/sofia-mba/mobile/channel.html?channel_num=29765 ...










壹讀 https://read01.com/J8N82yP.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010689031




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